Okay, so pretend it's Friday. YAYY! Get ready for the weekend. (haha, just kidding. Tomorrow is Monday.)
I weighed in and lost 1 pound. I decided on this blog I was gonna be honest. As painful as it is to be honest sometimes.. especially about such a sensitive topic.. I can't go through this journey lying to myself and to you guys. So let me go ahead and tell you, I was pissed that I only lost a pound. I wasn't surprised, but I was mad. I chowed down on Valentine's Day. I ate bread sticks, candy, creamy pasta with chicken, shrimp, and bacon, we had a large appetizer.. I ate way too much. And I woke up Wednesday morning feeling so guilty.. so I hit the gym. I was there an hour, and barely went 2 1/2 miles. I didn't push myself the way I wanted to because my feet were killing me. So I said okay, i'll go to Zumba tomorrow. So Thursday afternoon (after sitting around the house all day) I went to Zumba. And I barely made it through the class. My feet were still killing me! I have a high arch, and don't have arch support (I know, I know.. I need to fix that) and I have a history of getting stress fractures in my feet because of the lack of support. Friday, I didn't go to the gym because I wanted to rest my feet. Saturday, I was a little hungover.. so I spent the day sitting around. and Today, I did 35 minutes of Pilates. So basically, I haven't been pushing myself the way I know I can.. I've been resting too much. I WANT to do better. and I will. I just need to do it. So after being all sad about only losing a pound, I remembered that since I started this weight loss journey, I've lost 5 pounds. So I decided to check my handy dandy list and check what 5 pounds relates to:

I lost a chihuahua! Hollaaa! lol So I guess only losing 5 pounds isn't so bad. I don't have to carry around a little ankle biter anymore ;)
Okay, so now it's Sunday. :)
I decided to set some weekly goals so that I can track my progress. This journey isn't just to a smaller me.. it's to an all-around BETTER me. I want to be healthy, smaller, fit, happy. So I'll just make a few goals each week to get me there!
This week's goals:
-drink at least 100 oz of water a day
-spend time with my husband and puppy each day
-find something that will make me smile or laugh each day
-take 80,000 steps a week.
So next Sunday I'll post again and let you know how many oz of water I drank each day, how much time I spent with my husband and puppy, what I found to make me smile/laugh, and how many steps I took that week. :)
I'm looking forward to gauging my progress with these goals! I'll see you all later this week.
How was your weekend? Do you have any weekly goals?
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