First, I want to tell you about my very first Zumba class! Never heard of Zumba? It's like this:
^^this was my favorite song we did yesterday!
(Have you all taken a Zumba class? If not, look for one in your area RIGHT NOW! I had a blast!)

LOL! This picture cracked me up before, but now that I've actually taken a class, and I know how true it is.. I just can't stop giggling! Okay, I have a few things to say about my Zumba class, and I'll use numbers so I don't get all confused :)
- STRETCH! Okay, this should be obvious.. But I'm a dumb-dumb and didn't stretch before. See, here's the thing. I have irrational fears and an s-ton of insecurities. I didn't want to stretch in front of everyone because I didn't want to look silly.. I didn't want people to laugh, point, and stare. I'm telling ya, I'm irrational.. but somehow I thought me stretching would result in ridicule. So when I got to the gym, I stood by the wall, Facebooking until everyone started to gather on the floor and class started. And I am REALLY paying for it today. My legs and knees are so tight. I am sore and stiff all over. No fun. lol I'll know better next time!
- I am so glad there weren't mirrors in that room. I KNOW I looked silly. The best part, was for a moment there I was thinking "Daaaaaamn girl, you can dance!" And then.. I started paying attention to how my booty shaking looked and realized No.. No I can't. haha But it's not about skill! It's about getting out, doing something different, and having FUN! And yeah, I had fun!
- DRINK LOTS OF WATER - If you're like me, and just getting back into the fitness game.. Don't be scared to fall out and take a breather and drink water when you need to. No one knows your limits better than you. However, that being said.. TRY to keep going. If you can do another 10 seconds, do them. And see if you can bump it up to 20 before falling out. See if you can make it the whole song without stopping. But between songs, DRINK WATER! Everyone in that room yesterday was sweating up a storm. I know I was! And you have GOT to stay hydrated. Being hydrated in the key to healthy living. :)
- HAVE FUN! Don't go in to it with a poor attitude or dreading working out. Think of it as just getting out and dancing with some friends! Don't look at the clock or worry about how much time has gone by. Just enjoy it :)
Like I said, I loved Zumba yesterday, and I hope you all try it out soon. Or maybe if dancing isn't your thing, find another class to try out. I think it's important to make a schedule when it comes to working out and getting fit. What better way to adhere to a schedule than to take classes??
Alright, so after I had a blast at Zumba. I quickly showered and got ready to go to OLIVE GARDEN! I decided that last night would be this week's cheat meal. What better meal to splurge on than Valentine's Dinner??! And boy.. did I splurge.. We got an appetizer, I got a chicken and shrimp carbonara with a creamy parmesan sauce. holy jeebus, it was delicious. and chock full of calories. I don't know how many, seeing as I didn't even dare to look at the calories when picking it (It's a cheat/splurge meal!!) but I can only imagine. Delicious as it was, I knew I'd have to work my tooshie off the next few days if I want to have a decent weigh-in on Friday. (Crossing my fingers!)
I hopped on the scale this morning before going to the gym, hoping it'd motivate me. and it did.. I am +.6lbs since Friday. Now.. seeing as how I KNOW I've lost weight this week, and I KNOW I gained a whole lot last night... I'm disappointed I didn't see the scale before my Olive Garden indulgence. lol I know I would have been pleased to see a low number. But maybe I would have been even more heartbroken to see it this morning if I knew my pre-Olive Garden weight. lol I'm just hoping I can bring it down before Friday.. And in an effort to achieve that good weigh-in.. I'll be attending another Zumba class tomorrow :)
How did you spend your Valentine's Day? Did you indulge or stick to healthy eating?
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